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Cleaning Systems

There are many ways to clean a façade but it is only with great care and experience that the most appropriate method can be chosen. Our expertise allow us to select best suited techniques to achieve your goal.

DOFF Integra

A superheated steam based system, designed and developed to effectively remove paint, biological matter and general dirt and grime without causing harm or shock to the substrate. 


By means of a swirling vortex, this system combines low pressure air with a fine blasting medium. Minimal water is required to control the amount of grit applied, likewise it supports dust suppression.


Ideal for removing heavy carbon deposits.





Also known as intermittent mist spray, nebulous is a form of low-pressure cleaning and is recognised as a gentle method for where water-soluble dirt is present. The porosity of the stone is assessed to determine the correct balance of water jetting in order to soften dirt and remove by gentle agitation. 

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